Clairemont Canyons Academy

Counseling center

Welcome to CCA Counseling!

 Welcome to CCA! My name is Catherine Bennett and I am your CCA School Counselor. The School Counselor provides short-term individual counseling, short-term group counseling, and in-classroom social-emotional lessons using the Second Step program.

Individual Sessions

The School Counselor works short-term one-on-one with a student regarding that student's individualized plan.

Group Counseling

Group sessions meet once a week for 30 minutes and are 6-8 weeks long. Sessions run 3-4 times a year.

Second Step is a social-emotional curriculum by the Committee for Children to teach elementary students about emotions/feelings.

 Quote of the Month

“Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.”

-Emilie Coue